
Monday, October 18, 2010

We Love You, Brayden!

Welcome to our family blog with happy memories of Brayden.  Our family will post our memories so we will focus and remember happy, fun, and loving memories of Brayden.  Please visit and comment often.  This picture was taken the night before Brayden passed away, it is one of our favorite pictures of him.  We had a party at our home for Russell's 40th Birthday.  Brayden and Karyssa decorated the house that day with orange and purple crepe paper and then Hailey and Breyelle assisted to blow up purple and gold balloons.  They all taped the balloons all over the house as well as outside.  I watched Brayden that night as he talked with our friends and family.  When he laughed, his would throw back his beautiful curly, feathered hair.  His smile was a beautiful site to see.  He went up to his room and brought down his snake for everyone to see, envy, or be afraid of.  He was so proud of her and I could tell he loved the attention and courage he had to let her wrap around his head.  Everyone received a hug, a heartfelt conversation, and shared an amazing experience with him that night.  On September 19, 2010, Brayden woke me up when he was blow drying his hair.  Then I heard him start a load of laundry.  I got out of bed and said, "What ya doin'?" and he said, "Just doing some laundry." I said, "Okay, I'm going back to bed."  He said, "K, mom."  I woke up again at 9:00 am.  Brayden was making the family waffles, made with cinnamon and extra sugar, and eggs.  He gave me a hug when I came downstairs and then I did the dishes from the night before.  Russ and I sat with Brayden and ate our breakfast, made from his love.  Delicious!   Thank you for the love and the beautiful memory!  I love you, my son!  Mom

1 comment:

  1. Dear Family,
    How lucky were we to spend an amazing evening with you! I just sat back and watched how wonderful your family had grown. I watched you two as parents and thinking of how great you have been and how important each child is to you. You have always been wonderful Parents.I had lot's of emotions that evening and also the next morning as Bob and I spoke of how we had missed you so bad. Remembering all the fun and crazy times and thinking why have we had grown apart? Missing all of those great times, and they were! We love you with all of our hearts and are so glad we had that evening with Brayden. We would have not missed it for the world. Our love continues to be with you and our thoughts and prayers also. You are special to us. We are your friends "Forever" God bless you and your wonderful Family..
    The Poulsen Family
