
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brayden's Birth

Brayden, You always loved it when I told the story of your birth...
On Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, 1994, I woke up having contractions.  Dad and I went bowling, to keep the contractions going.  We went to Uncle Gary and Aunt Kim's to have dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Black.  We ate and celebrated an early Christmas with your grandparents.  I told Dad that it was time to go and we drove to LDS Hospital.  A few short hours later, you were ready to be born, however your heart rate kept dropping with each contraction and it wasn't coming back up to normal.  The doctor said if I didn't push you out quickly we would have to do a C-section.  I pushed with everything I had, the nurse laid on my stomach, and you were born.  The umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around your neck and you were very blue.  The doctor unwrapped the cord, Dad cut the cord, and with a little stimulation you were crying and turning pink.  Grandma Shirlene was in the room and you loved to hear about the prayer she was saying when your heart rate was down.  You loved hearing that angels came to assist you.  You loved hearing about how Aunt Margaret was at home, unaware that we were at the hospital, and she heard, "Pray for me, Aunt Margaret!"  She dropped to her knees and prayed for you.  You loved hearing that the first person we called was Uncle Gary, to let him know that you were born on his birthday. 
It was an amazing Thanksgiving!  We are thankful for every moment we had together.  Thank you for choosing us!  All our love!  Happy 16th Birthday, our baby boy!  Mom and Dad

1 comment:

  1. Oh Maureen, that was so beautiful. I am crying, with you, I'm sure. I love you and think you are an amazing woman.

    I pray you will see God's hand very strongly through these holidays.

    Jeanna Hollingshead Smith
