
Sunday, October 31, 2010


So, of coarse, some of my favorite memories are of Brayden playing baseball.  I always looked forward to Spring, know that baseball season was upon us.  Not only did Brayden shine when he played but so did Russ and I because you could not wipe the smiles from our faces.  I remember watching Brayden play in one of the Riverton AllStar games this year, he walked at one at bat, had an RBI at his next at bat, and then he hit the ball so well that he brought in two runs.  He also made some incredible plays to get the other team out.  Russ was at work and could not make the game, but I text him with play by play action and made videos on my phone.  When I told Russ about the great plays Brayden was making, he commented on how proud he was of him, and he cried.  I loved watching him laugh and interact with his team, play the game he loved, and shine!

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