
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When Brayden sings...

     So, we got Brayden's phone back yesterday.  He has taken many, many, many amazing pictures of himself,  and because of that,  I know he had amazing self-esteem!  
     We also found a voice note on his phone, he is singing, "On the Brightside" by NeverShoutNever, along with his sisters. When Brayden sang, he was always a little off key and off beat, but I loved to hear him sing, and sing along with him.  Brayden asked me once if I thought he could be on "American Idol."  Of course, as his mother, I said, "Yes!"    I am so happy he made this voice note! 
     Brayden, when you sing, it is one of my happiest memories.  I always smile and laugh when I think of how much you loved to sing.  Thanks for this memory, my buddy!  I love you, Mom

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you were able to get the pictures and the voice note that Brayden left for you! My daughter Kylie was always singing as well and took hundreds of pictures! What an amazing gift that they left for us!
